For some reason, I decided that scanning every single photo ever taken of my family was a worthwhile and productive way to spend the remains of my Christmas holiday, so I dug up all the photos and my trusty scanner (with which I scanned the entire science department in Kuwait out of sheer boredom 2 years ago) and got started.
As I was uploading the lot to my Picasa gallery I couldn't help noticing that all the pictures ever posted up on this blog were there in a folder entitled 'mischief', which makes sense as blogger and picasa are both owned by google.
Browsing through the pics, I noticed that I have this classic one of a tin of crap of >>>cock<<< (Remember our 'little' friend Magnum Burhan....?
(I know you love that stuff H)
...and many occurrences of strange bread and bimbos.
and it occurred to me that in the new year I just HAD to make the funniest sandwich ever made! I can see it now....
A piece of crap, sprinkled with cock and stuffed in between two bits of fresh bimbo.