44/365 - Think HAPPY thoughts #1

On the train home tonight I picked up a copy of London's Evening Standard and felt the need to take a pair of scissors and cut out all the headlines just to see what they looked like laid on top of each other.

Up til now I'd not yet made 2 pieces at once, but i'm 10 days or so behind in my own project so I wanted to make one piece I could pass off as 2, so I wanted to start by pasting all the newspaper headlines on a large card and cutting it in half.

Short of this I had no other ideas.

However, when I got home and started cutting, I couldn't help but read the headlines, and after a while I started to get a little depressed. All the larger type headlines were all totally grim or negative, with smaller title headings reserved for happier stories it seemed. It was as if the editor had hand picked the disasters and made them more important and news-worthy.

By the end of cutting out all the headlines I was thoroughly down and decided that the challenge of this piece was to make something beautiful from the monotone gloom that had jumped out of these pages, using only the raw material that the Evening Standard provided.

Luckily I like travelling and this cartoon air hostess was nice and colourful and the thought of 3 nights in Budapest cheered me up.

Think HAPPY thoughts editors, think HAPPY thoughts for goodness sakes!

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