This is in part to let people catch up but is mainly because there was a little cock-up made in Darjeeling when we gave out the CDs of all the photos that I took (yeah I took all the photos you see there - Ivan also took some but he lost his camera hence why there are no photos from him) and I don't have all the necessary photos to write and post up decent blog.
I've been on at the boys to send the CD for a while (basically I've got 2 CD3s and Nick has 2 CD2s) but neither of them has got round to it yet so I'm writing without the full set of photos and if I continue writing, you're gonna get naff photos as my supply is dwindling.
For fucks sakes lads how hard can it be to put a CD in an envelope and just send it to me or whack the lot on mediamax so I can download it.