The moves are in place already to join up with Jun Mo Generations, the kung fu carnival group, where I'm now studying the mighty wing chun kung fu, but I still feel overwhelming loyalty to the Yaa. I've decided I'd best take things as they come but make the opportunities happen, so, though training in kung fu with the former I thought it best to keep a keen eye on the latter, and it now looks likely that I'll probably do carnival with the Yaa and do side projects and costumes with Jun Mo.
On Saturday, I got lucky.
Curious to see how progress was coming along with the Yaaafrikan touring theatre programme I decided to crane my neck in at Royal Oak and I was just lucky enough to get in on the back end of a meeting and rehearsal for Yaaafrikan. Shaabaka, the Yaa leader was also announcing for the 2003 masquerade tour to Denmark and Germany, and said it was the last chance to get your name down to be on the bus.
He didn't have to ask twice, as I'd go through hell and high water before missing the opportunity to get on the road and dance in a costume alongside my favourite rastafarians.
So I may have missed booking my place on the Yaaafrikan tour, through unemployment-induced lethargy, but I gotta say I struck the jackpot just in time.
The carnival season begins now, so strap on your wings, put on your dancin shoes and lets party!