It's finally over. I've waited a couple of weeks since the whole PGCE ended but finally I feel I have relaxed enough to actually get my brain together enough to return to blogging duties.
And boy have we got a lot to catch up on.
June 18, 2004 will have to count in the history of Mischief as the major academic achievement of my life, overtaking the 100% in Maths at A-level in 1998 at the top of my list of top achievements ever. On the morning of Friday 18th June I woke up and went to school still not quite a teacher and not quite a policeman but by the time I woke up on Saturday 19th June I was both of these, having finished up my bloody course and been accepted back on the police course. It was a great day.
Since then I've been to Glastonbury and I've just come back from Lee's stag weekend in Birmingham so a fair few things have happened. Shout outs have to go to all the lads who made it to the stag and most of all to C++ who done all the arranging.
Matt I have a spare Glasto programme for you as you missed it. Bloody cheap bastards made these tiny little programs this year and charged 7 quid for them but us stewards could take the ones at the end so I figured you might want to know what you missed.
As for future plans, summer is again devoted to carnival then in September I am going to be leaving the country for a year.
I've accepted a job in Kuwait teaching Physics and Chemistry.
Like a man who knows he's gonna be fasting, between now and then I'll be filling my body with as much alcohol and pork as possible and watching loads of porn movies to prepare myself.